• "It is to big" is the incorrect variant of "it is too big."
  • The phrase "it is too big" suggests that the size of something exceeds a desirable or appropriate limit, indicating that it may be too large for a particular context, space, or purpose. The statement conveys a perception of excess or impracticality based on the size of the object or subject in question.
❌ When trying to fit the new furniture into the small living room, she exclaimed, "It is to big; we'll have to find something smaller."

🛋️ When trying to fit the new furniture into the small living room, she exclaimed, "It is too big; we'll have to find something smaller."

When to use "it is too big"

The phrase "it is too big" is used when something is perceived as being excessively large or oversized for a particular purpose, context, or individual preference. Here are some situations where you might use this expression:

Size and Space: When an object or item is too large for the available space, such as furniture in a room or a vehicle in a parking spot.

  • Example: "The sofa is too big for this living room; we need something more compact."

Clothing: When a piece of clothing is larger than the intended wearer, expressing that it doesn't fit properly.

  • Example: "I like the style of the jacket, but it is too big for me. I need a smaller size."

Portions: Referring to food or drink portions that are perceived as excessive or more than one can consume.

  • Example: "The serving at the restaurant was delicious, but it is too big for me to finish."

General Oversizing: Any situation where something is considered too large for its intended purpose, whether it's a gift, a project, or an item in a collection.

  • Example: "The gift box is beautifully wrapped, but it is too big for a small surprise."

The use of "it is too big" over time

"It is too big" has been used in different frequencies over time. This phrase has been used in varying degrees throughout the two centuries.

How to Use the Phrase "It is to Big vs. "It is Too Big"

Example sentences for "it is too big"

  1. When trying to fit the new couch through the door, they realized, "It is too big for this narrow entrance."
  2. Looking at the suitcase, she sighed, "It is too big for a weekend trip; I need something smaller."
  3. Attempting to install the software on her old computer, she exclaimed, "It is too big; my system can't handle it."
  4. Holding up the oversized sweater, he chuckled, "It is too big for me, but it'll make a cozy blanket."
  5. Surveying the massive pile of paperwork, the intern thought, "It is too big a task for one day; I'll need help."
  6. The group considered the ambitious project and concluded, "It is too big for our team to handle right now."
  7. Assembling the intricate model, he realized, "This piece is too big; it won't fit in the designated space."
  8. Observing the grand mansion, she whispered, "It is too big for just the two of us; let's find a cozier home."
  9. Reviewing the wedding dress options, she decided, "It is too big for my taste; I prefer a simpler style."
  10. Staring at the enormous burger on the menu, he laughed, "It is too big for me to tackle; I'll go with the regular size."

Examples from the web

"It is too big and ambitious in its own right to accept American leadership." - The Economist
"It is too big and too widespread." - The New York Times


Is it "quite big" or "too big?"

Both "quite big" and "too big" convey different degrees of size. "Quite big" suggests that something is fairly large, while "too big" implies that it exceeds an acceptable or desirable size.

How do you say "big" in a polite way?

In a polite context, one might express the notion of "big" by using terms such as "generously sized" or "spacious." These subtle descriptors convey a sense of largeness without sounding overly blunt, maintaining a positive and considerate tone in communication.


In conclusion, the impact of size, whether it's a room, project, or goal, plays a crucial role in our experiences. Finding the right balance is an art, ensuring that what we engage with is not merely too big but thoughtfully and generously sized for optimal functionality and enjoyment.

How to Use the Phrase "It is to Big vs. "It is Too Big" 

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How to Use the Phrase "It is to Big vs. "It is Too Big" 


Definition of TOO BIG
Too big is contained in 2 matches in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. See the full list.
How to Use the Phrase "It is to Big vs. "It is Too Big"