• "Hope to see you soon" expresses a positive anticipation for a future meeting, conveying a desire for a reunion in the near future.
👀 After a delightful evening together, she hugged her friend and said, "It was great catching up; hope to see you soon!"

In this sentence, the phrase "hope to see you soon" is a friendly and optimistic expression conveying the speaker's desire for a future reunion with her friend after an enjoyable evening spent together.

When to use "hope to see you soon"

The phrase "hope to see you soon" is a versatile way to express your desire to reconnect with someone. Here are some situations where it shines:

Saying goodbye:

  • Ending a phone call or video chat.
  • Leaving a meeting or gathering.
  • Writing a farewell email or message.

Catching up with someone:

  • Reaching out to a friend or family member you haven't seen in a while.
  • Responding to an invitation to see someone.
  • Expressing your anticipation for a planned event.

General well-wishes:

  • Ending a casual conversation or interaction.
  • Adding a friendly touch to a formal email or document.
  • Expressing your hope for future contact with someone.

However, remember:

  • Consider the context: Be sure the sentiment aligns with the situation. A casual "hope to see you soon" might not be appropriate for a condolence message.
  • Don't create false promises: Only use it if you genuinely hope to see the person within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Offer specifics: If you have a concrete plan for meeting up, consider mentioning it instead.

Example sentences

  1. After our coffee date, he smiled warmly and said, "Thanks for the great conversation; hope to see you soon!"
  2. As the farewell party ended, she hugged each friend and whispered, "Safe travels, and hope to see you soon!"
  3. Following the family reunion, they waved goodbye, exchanging promises of staying in touch, and chorused, "Hope to see you soon!"
  4. After the business meeting concluded, colleagues exchanged pleasantries, with one saying, "Great working with you; hope to see you soon for the next project!"
  5. As the weekend getaway came to an end, she bid farewell to her travel companions, expressing, "It was an amazing trip; hope to see you soon for another adventure!"

Examples from the web

"I hope to see you soon." - The New Yorker
"Hope to see you soon around here!" - The New Yorker
"I can't say how much I hope to see you soon, at one of the usual places." - The New Yorker
How to Use the Phrase "Hope to See You Soon" 

Usage of "hope to see you soon"

Examining the graph below, we can see that the occurrence of the phrase "hope to see you soon" increased steeply in the 2000s. Prior to this, it was not used as frequently.

How to Use the Phrase "Hope to See You Soon" 


What can I say instead of hope to see you there?

  1. Looking forward to meeting you there.
  2. Excited about the prospect of seeing you there.
  3. Can't wait to catch up with you at the event.
  4. Hoping for the pleasure of your company at the venue.
  5. Eagerly anticipating your presence at the gathering.


So, the next time you bid farewell, wield the phrase "hope to see you soon" with intention, specificity, and a dash of creativity. Make it a promise, a whisper of anticipation, a bridge to the next encounter. In doing so, you'll transform a simple goodbye into a powerful expression of your desire to stay connected, paving the way for future reunions filled with joy and warmth.

How to Use the Phrase "Hope to See You Soon"

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How to Use the Phrase "Hope to See You Soon"


Hope to see you soon
If I reply an email to agree on the date for meeting the receiver of the email, can I say in the end of the email that I “hope to see you soon”? I ask this question because I think we already know how “soon” we are going to meet each other. Thanks!
How to Use the Phrase "Hope to See You Soon"