• Recommend: "Recommend" is the correct and widely accepted spelling. It is a verb used to suggest or endorse something as being worthy or advisable.
  • Recomend: This is the incorrect spelling of the word, "recommend."

Below are real life examples of the usage of recommend:

🤲 Suggesting a Movie: "I highly recommend watching the latest film; the plot is captivating, and the cinematography is outstanding."

🤲 Offering Culinary Advice: "If you're a fan of Italian cuisine, I recommend trying the lasagna at that new restaurant downtown."

🤲 Professional Endorsement: "Based on your skills and experience, I recommend you for the position of project manager."

🤲 Book Recommendation: "I recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys historical fiction; the storytelling is exceptional."

What is the Difference?

To start, let's clear up the primary difference between "Recommend" and "Recomend."


Use "recommend" when you want to suggest or advise someone to do something, try something, or consider a particular course of action. It is appropriate in both formal and informal contexts.

"Recommend" can be found in various positions within a sentence, depending on the structure and emphasis of the sentence. Here are examples of different placements:

  • At the Beginning:
    • "Recommend trying the new dessert; it's absolutely delicious."
  • In the Middle:
    • "I tried the new dessert, and I recommend it; the flavors are exquisite."
  • With an Infinitive Verb:
    • "She plans to recommend the book to her book club."
  • In a Formal Setting:
    • "As a professional chef, I recommend using fresh herbs for enhanced flavor."
  • With a Subordinate Clause:
    • "I recommend that you explore different career paths before making a decision."
  • As a Modifier:
    • "For a memorable vacation, I highly recommend visiting the historical landmarks."
  • As a Question:
    • "Do you recommend this brand for quality and durability?"
  • In an Instructional Sentence:
    • "To achieve the desired results, experts recommend following the provided guidelines."

More examples from the web

"Get in touch via globaldevpros@theguardian.com or @GuardianGDP on Twitter to recommend someone for our expert panel." - The Guardian
"While I wouldn't recommend buying a foundation from Poundland (bit green), or its makeup brushes (you can do better at an art shop) there are several products you can happily invest in." - The Guardian - Lifestyle
"I recommend Viator Tours, who will pick up and drop off from hotels in El Calafate." - The Guardian - Travel


The term "Recomend" is not a correct spelling in standard English. It is considered a misspelling of "Recommend" and should be avoided in formal writing.

Tricks to Remember the Difference

The correct spelling is "recommend," and it contains two 'm's. Think of it as "recoMMend." The double 'm' will help you avoid the common mistake of using "Recomend."

When did the word "recommend" first appear?

Recommend first appeared in the Middle English period (1150—1500), and the Oxford English Dictionary traces its earliest known usage back to around 1400 in the works of William Langland, a poet.


Synonyms for Recommend:

  1. Suggest: "I suggest you read this book; it's truly enlightening."
  2. Advocate: "I advocate for a more sustainable approach to business practices."
  3. Endorse: "The chef endorsed the use of fresh, local ingredients."


Antonyms for Recommend:

  1. Discourage: "I would discourage you from investing in that risky venture."
  2. Dissuade: "Her negative experience may dissuade others from taking the same path."

Common Idioms

While "recommend" and "recomend" may not be directly used in idiomatic expressions, understanding the concept of suggesting or advising plays a crucial role in various idioms. Some common idioms related to giving advice or suggestions include:

  1. Food for thought: Something worth thinking about or considering.
  2. Put in a good word for someone: To speak favorably about someone.


In summary, "recommend" is the correct and widely accepted term, serving as a versatile verb for suggesting or endorsing. The incorrect spelling "recomend" should be avoided in formal writing. Use the trick of remembering the double 'm' in "recommend" to ensure accurate usage. Whether you recommend a book, a strategy, or a destination, mastering the correct spelling enhances the clarity and professionalism of your communication.

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Definition of RECOMMEND
to present (something) as worthy of acceptance or trial; to endorse (someone) as fit, worthy, or competent; to suggest (an act or course of action) as advisable… See the full definition