• Further Discussed: This phrase emphasizes that a topic has already been discussed, and now there is an intention or plan to delve deeper into it. It signifies a continuation or expansion of an existing discussion.
  • Discussed Further: In contrast, "discussed further" places emphasis on the action of discussing. It implies that the discussion itself will become more extensive, without necessarily implying that it has been discussed before.
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When to Use: "Further Discussed" vs. "Discussed Further"

The choice between these phrases depends on what aspect of the discussion you want to emphasize:

Further Discussed

Use this phrase when you want to highlight that a previous discussion will be continued or expanded upon.

Example sentences

  1. After the initial presentation, the team further discussed the project's key objectives.
  2. The committee decided to further discuss the proposed changes at their next meeting.
  3. The manager scheduled a follow-up meeting to further discuss the budget allocation.
  4. In the workshop, participants were encouraged to ask questions and further discuss the topic.
  5. The legal team will meet tomorrow to further discuss the contract terms.
  6. The environmental impact of the new construction project will be further discussed in the upcoming town hall meeting.
  7. During the conference, experts will gather to further discuss the latest advancements in technology.
  8. The potential risks and benefits of the investment were thoroughly further discussed.
  9. The board members are eager to further discuss the potential merger with our partners.
  10. In the research paper, the authors further discussed the implications of their findings for public policy.
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Discussed Further

Opt for this when you want to emphasize that the discussion will become more extensive or detailed, without specifying that it has been previously discussed.

Example sentences

  1. The topic of climate change was discussed further in the subsequent panel discussion.
  2. After the initial presentation, the participants were encouraged to ask questions and discussed the issues further.
  3. The project's budget allocation was discussed further during the follow-up meeting.
  4. The potential risks and benefits of the new product launch were thoroughly discussed further in the meeting.
  5. The proposed policy changes were discussed further at the departmental meeting.
  6. The committee agreed to gather more data before discussing the matter further.
  7. The team decided to table the decision until they could discuss it further with the stakeholders.
  8. The matter was discussed further with the legal team to ensure compliance with regulations.
  9. The implications of the research findings were discussed further in the published report.
  10. The group decided to take a break before discussing the issue further to gather more information.

From the below graph, you can see that in the 1940s that both phrases were used in similar amounts, but after the 1940s, the phrase " decreased further" became more frequently used, while the other phrase "further discussed" was used on a similar frequency as it had been in the 1940s.

Tricks to Remember the Difference: To remember the difference, think of "further discussed" as indicating that the discussion is already in progress and will be extended. "Discussed further" signifies that the discussion itself will become more extensive without referencing its prior occurrence.
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  • Extended Discussion: A phrase that can be used as a synonym for "further discussed" to emphasize a prolonged or elaborated discussion.

Extended discussions are often necessary to delve deeper into complex topics and reach a comprehensive understanding.

  • Expanded on the Topic: An alternative expression for "discussed further" to highlight a more detailed discussion.

In my presentation, I expanded on the topic by providing additional research findings and real-world examples to enhance the audience's understanding.

Common Idioms:

  1. Open a Can of Worms: Used when a discussion becomes more complicated or problematic than initially anticipated.
  2. Talk Shop: Refers to discussing work-related topics, often used in informal settings to extend professional conversations.


In summary, "further discussed" and "discussed further" both pertain to continuing or expanding a discussion, but they emphasize different aspects. Use "further discussed" when you want to emphasize the continuation of an existing discussion, and "discussed further" when you want to stress that the discussion itself will become more extensive. Understanding this distinction will help you communicate your intentions and expectations clearly in various contexts.

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further discussed or discussed further?
further discussed or discussed further? - Which English form is more popular?