It’s awkward. It’s uncomfortable. But it can be done! Let’s talk about how to ask for a last-minute letter of recommendation. As long as you follow the seven steps below in your email, your professor will most likely help you out.

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Apologize
  3. Give a reason
  4. Say the deadline
  5. Make your case
  6. Attach all information
  7. Apologize again and thank them profusely

Sample Email

Subject: Urgent Request for [Insert Program] Recommendation Letter

Dear Professor [Professor's Last Name],

This is Emily Lee. I took Multivariable Calculus with you in Fall 2022 and Topics in Geometry in Spring 2023, two of my favorite classes at [Insert University Name].

I hope this email finds you well. I apologize for the sudden nature of this request. I understand that you have a busy schedule, and I am genuinely grateful for your time and consideration.

I am reaching out to you today to request your support in providing a recommendation letter for my candidacy for [Insert Graduate School Program or Other Opportunity Name]. Unfortunately, I just became aware of this program a few days ago. I think it's a great fit, and I'm now trying to pull my application together rather quickly.

The application deadline is [Insert Deadline]. Your perspective and insights into my academic performance, research experiences, and character would be invaluable in strengthening my application.

Specifically, I would appreciate it if you could highlight my involvement in [mention a specific project, course, or research experience] and any other aspects of my academic journey that you believe would be relevant to the admissions committees.

For reference, I have attached the following documents to this email:

  • My updated resume
  • My personal statement for the program
  • Information about the program I am applying to

I would greatly appreciate it if you could complete the letter by [Insert Deadline Again]. If the timing is too tight and you have to say no, I understand.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for the short notice and any inconvenience this may cause. I am truly grateful for your support and consideration in helping me pursue my academic goals. If you have any questions or need further information, please let me know.

Thank you for your time.


[Your Full Name]

1. Introduce yourself

Hopefully, you know the professor well, in which case, you don't need an introduction. But if you think you have to help them remember who you are, introduce yourself with which classes you took with them and when.

2. Apologize

Begin by apologizing for the inconvenience of your last-minute request. Professors will be more sympathetic when you ask with humility and respect. Use phrases like "I apologize for..." and "I understand that..."

3. Give a reason

Explain the reason for your last-minute request. Whether it's a sudden opportunity or a change in your application plans, state directly how you found yourself in this situation. Professors are more likely to be understanding if they know the context. However, avoid sounding like you're making excuses. Instead, focus on your enthusiasm and effort to complete the application in time.

4. Say the deadline

Clearly state the most important fact: the deadline! Professors often juggle multiple responsibilities and deadlines themselves, so providing this information upfront allows them to assess whether they can meet the deadline. It also shows that you've done your part in planning and organizing your application.

5. Make your case

Convince the professor you're worth writing a last-minute recommendation letter for. What are the qualities, experiences, and achievements that make you stand out? What specific projects, courses, or interactions did you have with the professor that demonstrate your suitability for the program? This not only helps them craft a more tailored letter but also saves them time in brainstorming what to include. Make it easy for them by giving them ideas.

6. Attach all information

To further simplify the process for your professor, attach all necessary documents to your email. Include your updated resume, personal statement, and any information about the program. This package gives your professor a better view of your application and ensures they have all the essential information at their fingertips.

Most importantly, remind them again of the deadline (you can even mention the specific time and time zone). Unfortunately, you should never assume that the professor will say yes, so you may want to add a sentence acknowledging their potential refusal.

7. Apologize again and thank them profusely

Finally, apologize again to show respect, and thank them for their time, understanding, and support. Make sure to offer to provide further information.

By following these steps, you can navigate the delicate process of requesting last-minute recommendation letters with professionalism. Don't forget to proofread your email with the help of a friend or an AI proofreader like Engram.

Good luck on your applications!

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How to Ask for a Last-Minute Letter of Recommendation ― Tips
Asking for a letter of recommendation is rarely easy for most people. However, people who are in a position to write you a letter of recommendation, such as professors, are used to being asked to