• "Hipocrite" is an incorrect spelling of the word "hypocrite."
  • A hypocrite is a person who pretends to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's behavior does not conform, often exhibiting contradictions between stated ideals and actual actions.
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For example...

❌​​ John claimed to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle, but he drove a gas-guzzling car, making him a hipocrite.

✅ John claimed to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle, but he drove a gas-guzzling car, making him a hypocrite.

In this sentence, "hypocrite" refers to an individual who professes environmental consciousness but behaves in a contradictory manner by driving a polluting vehicle.

What does "hypocrite" mean?

A "hypocrite," in essence, is someone who preaches or advocates for a set of beliefs or behaviors while simultaneously engaging in the opposite. It's like wearing a mask of righteousness while doing things that contradict those very principles.

Here's a breakdown of the key aspects:

1. Inconsistency: The core of hypocrisy lies in the discrepancy between words and actions. Someone might champion honesty but lie themselves, preach kindness but act callously, or advocate for environmentalism while neglecting sustainable practices.

2. Lack of self-awareness or disregard for consequences: Sometimes, hypocrisy can stem from a genuine lack of awareness of the inconsistency. However, often it involves a conscious choice to prioritize personal gain or convenience over upholding the values they advocate.

3. Potential for harm: Hypocrisy can be hurtful and damaging, especially when it comes from figures of authority or people we trust. It erodes trust, fuels cynicism, and undermines the credibility of the values being espoused.

Hipocrite vs. Hypocrite: Which is the Correct Spelling?
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The use of "hipocrite" and "hypocrite" over time

The Ngram graph below shows how often "hipocrite" and "hypocrite" have been used from the 1800s to the 2000s. "Hypocrite" has declined in use until dipping in the 1940s, while its misspelling "hipocrite" has always seen nearly zero use.

Hipocrite vs. Hypocrite: Which is the Correct Spelling?

How to pronounce "hypocrite"

In both British and American English, "hypocrite" is pronounced like "hi·puh·kruht".

Additional notes:
This is just the standard pronunciation, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why would we misspell "hypocrite" as "hipocrite"?

  1. Phonetic Error: "Hipocrite" might result from a phonetic misinterpretation, as the pronunciation of "hypocrite" may sound like it begins with the sound "hip."
  2. Prefix Confusion: Some may incorrectly associate the word with other terms starting with "hip," leading to the misspelling.

Other common misspellings of "hypocrite"

  1. hypocrate
  2. hippocrate
  3. hypacrite
  4. hypocrate
  5. hipocrit

Example sentences of the misspelling of "hypocrite" as "hipocrite"

  1. Using "hipocrite" instead of "hypocrite" reflects a spelling error.
  2. The proper spelling is "hypocrite," not "hipocrite."
  3. "Hipocrite" is an inaccurate variation; the correct term is "hypocrite."
  4. Ensure you avoid the misspelling "hipocrite" when referring to someone as hypocritical.
  5. If you see "hipocrite," correct it to "hypocrite" for accurate usage.
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Example sentences of "hypocrite"

  1. The politician was exposed as a hypocrite when his actions contradicted his professed commitment to transparency.
  2. Mary criticized others for excessive spending while being a hypocrite herself with lavish lifestyle choices.
  3. Calling someone a hypocrite requires evidence of a stark contrast between their words and deeds.
  4. The comedian mocked the celebrity for being a hypocrite, pointing out the inconsistencies in their public statements.
  5. Recognizing that he was a hypocrite, Tom vowed to align his behavior with his proclaimed values.
  6. Despite advocating for honesty, the author turned out to be a hypocrite when caught fabricating details in his autobiography.
  7. Sarah considered her friend a hypocrite for preaching about healthy living while indulging in unhealthy habits.
  8. The religious leader was accused of being a hypocrite as his actions contradicted the moral teachings he professed.
  9. James was labeled a hypocrite after condemning gossip but engaging in spreading rumors himself.
  10. It's essential to self-reflect to avoid being perceived as a hypocrite by failing to live up to one's own principles.
Check out our other related blog posts:
🖊️​ Hypocrite Meaning and Examples
🖊️ Hypocrisy Meaning and Examples

Synonyms for "hypocrite"

  1. Pretender
  2. Deceiver
  3. Two-faced individual
  4. Pharisee
  5. Charlatan

Hipocrite vs. Hypocrite: Which is the Correct Spelling?

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Definition of HYPOCRITE
a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion; a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings… See the full definition
Hipocrite vs. Hypocrite: Which is the Correct Spelling?