• "Heighth" is an incorrect spelling of the word "height."
  • "Height" means how tall someone or something is.
For example...

❌​​ The mountain climbers reached the staggering heighth of 8,848 meters at the summit.

✅ The mountain climbers reached the staggering height of 8,848 meters at the summit.

What does "height" mean?

"Height" is a noun that refers to the measurement of how tall someone or something is. It can describe the distance from the bottom to the top of an object, a person's stature, or the measurement of a point above a given level, such as sea level.

Common phrases using "height"

  1. New heights: Achieving new levels of success or accomplishment.
  2. At the height of: At the peak or most intense period.
  3. Dizzying heights: Extreme or overwhelming levels of success and achievement.
Heighth vs. Height: Which Is the Correct Spelling?

The use of "height" and "heighth" over time

The Ngram graph below shows how often "height" and "heighth" have been used from the 1800s to the 2000s. "Height" has been steadily decreasing in use, while its misspelling "heighth" has always seen nearly zero use.

Heighth vs. Height: Which Is the Correct Spelling?

How to pronounce "height"

In American and British English, "height" is pronounced like "hite."

Additional notes:
These are just the standard pronunciations, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

How do you spell "height"?

The correct spelling is "height": H-E-I-G-H-T. The word is one syllable long and rhymes with "right." You can remember the spelling by thinking that "weight" and "height" are spelled similarly.

Why would we misspell "height" as "heighth"?

Historical Roots: "Heighth" used to be one of many acceptable spellings of "height" until the 1800s. Since then, "height" has become the only standard spelling.

Simple Typos: It's easy to type an extra key, especially when typing quickly or without proofreading. In this case, some people may accidentally add a "h," leading to the misspelling "heighth."

Phonetic Confusion: Though uncommon, some people pronounce the word with a "th" sound at the end, which may mislead people to think that there should also be a "th" in the spelling of the word.

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Other common misspellings of "height"

  1. Hieght
  2. Hight
  3. Highth

Example sentences of the misspelling of "height" as "heighth"

  1. The correct spelling is "height," not "heighth."
  2. Please note that "heighth" is an incorrect spelling; it should be "height."
  3. You might have come across the term "heighth," but the right spelling is "height."
  4. Be cautious not to use "heighth" in your writing; the accurate form is "height."
  5. Make sure you don't use the misspelling "heighth"; always use "height" for the correct spelling.

Example sentences of "height"

  1. She measured the height of the tree using a tape measure.
  2. The roller coaster soared to a dizzying height, providing an exhilarating experience.
  3. The plane flew at a cruising height of 35,000 feet above sea level.
  4. His ambition reached new heights as he pursued his dreams relentlessly.
  5. The skyscraper's impressive height dominated the city skyline.
  6. We marveled at the breathtaking height of the waterfall cascading down the cliff.
  7. The basketball player's remarkable height gave him an advantage on the court.
  8. The thermometer recorded the temperature at its highest height for the day.
  9. The aircraft gained height rapidly during takeoff, leaving the ground far below.
  10. The astronaut marveled at the vastness of space from the unparalleled height of the International Space Station.
Check out our other related blog posts:
🖊️​ How Do You Spell Weight?
🖊️​ How to Abbreviate Measurement

Synonyms for "height"

  1. Elevation
  2. Altitude
  3. Peak
  4. Summit
  5. Top


Do you say "height" or "heighth"?

"Heighth" is an old spelling and pronunciation of "height" prior to the 18th century. Today, the majority of English speakers say "height" with a "t" at the end, and that is considered the standard spelling and pronunciation. In some regions and dialects, some people may still say "heighth" with a "th" at the end.

How do you abbreviate "height"?

"Height" can be abbreviated as "ht" or "hgt" in informal documents and communications. To abbreviate the plural form "heights," just add "s" to make "hts" or "hgts." In formal contexts, it is recommended to write out the full word.

Heighth vs. Height: Which Is the Correct Spelling?

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Heighth vs. Height: Which Is the Correct Spelling?


Definition of HEIGHT
the part that rises or extends upward the greatest distance : the highest part : summit; the most advanced or extreme point of something : zenith; the distance from the bottom to the top of someone or something standing upright… See the full definition
The Height of Mispronunciation—Or Not
Why doesn’t ‘height’ end in ‘th’?