"Flummoxes" is the third-person singular form of the verb "flummox."

"Flummox" is a verb that means to bewilder, perplex, or confuse someone. When something or someone "flummoxes" you, it leaves you feeling uncertain, puzzled, or at a loss for what to do or how to proceed.

Imagine you encounter a complex problem or a difficult situation that you cannot understand or solve, and it leaves you feeling confused and uncertain about how to handle it. In that case, you could say, "The problem flummoxed me," meaning it confused and puzzled you.

Example sentences

  1. The intricate math problem flummoxes even the brightest students in the class.
  2. Trying to assemble the complicated furniture flummoxed him, and he had to seek help.
  3. The foreign language's complex grammar rules flummoxed the language learners.
  4. The magician's mind-bending tricks flummoxed the entire audience.
  5. The unexpected turn of events in the mystery novel flummoxed the detective.
  6. The tricky crossword puzzle flummoxed me, and I couldn't find all the answers.
  7. The maze-like layout of the city streets often flummoxes tourists.
  8. The intricate knots in the sailor's ropes flummoxed the new crew members.
  9. The peculiar behavior of the stray cat flummoxed the animal shelter workers.
  10. The complex software interface initially flummoxed users, but they eventually got the hang of it.

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1. to confuse someone so much that they do not know what to do: 2. to confuse…
Definition of FLUMMOX
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