"Fallacious" is an adjective that describes something as misleading or deceptive. When a statement, argument, or belief is fallacious, it means that it is not based on sound reasoning or accurate information. It may appear convincing at first glance, but upon closer examination, it is found to be incorrect or flawed.

Imagine someone telling you a story that sounds very believable, but as you think about it more, you discover that the story doesn't add up or contains contradictions. In this case, you can say that the story is fallacious because it is not true or reliable.

Example sentences

  1. The salesman's fallacious claims about the product's miraculous benefits led many customers to be disappointed with their purchase.
  2. Despite his charismatic delivery, the politician's speech was riddled with fallacious arguments and inaccuracies.
  3. The conspiracy theory spread rapidly on social media, but it was entirely fallacious and lacked any credible evidence.
  4. The defendant's defense was based on fallacious reasoning, and the jury quickly saw through the attempts to deceive them.
  5. The advertisement used fallacious statistics to manipulate consumers into believing they needed the product urgently.
  6. The teacher taught her students to recognize fallacious reasoning in debates and discussions to develop their critical thinking skills.
  7. The internet is filled with fallacious information, making it challenging to distinguish fact from fiction.
  8. Despite the appearance of a logical flow, the article's conclusions were based on fallacious assumptions and faulty data.
  9. The skeptic questioned the guru's fallacious promises of spiritual enlightenment through expensive workshops and seminars.
  10. Debunking the fallacious myth that vaccines cause autism has been a constant challenge for health professionals.

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1. not correct: 2. not correct:
Definition of FALLACIOUS
embodying a fallacy; tending to deceive or mislead : delusive… See the full definition