• "Excist" is an incorrect spelling of the word "exist."
  • "Exist" refers to the state of being, living, or having objective reality, indicating that something or someone is present in the world.
For example...

❌​​ Many people ponder the philosophical question of why certain things excist in the universe.

✅ Many people ponder the philosophical question of why certain things exist in the universe.

In this context, "exist" signifies the state of being real, as individuals contemplate the philosophical inquiry about the presence of certain things in the universe.

What does "exist" mean?

"Exist" carries the weight of two major ideas. First, it means being real, not imagined or dreamed up: a sturdy chair, a soaring mountain, even the feeling of happiness all "exist" in the present world. Second, it implies continued being: a company that's lasted centuries, a friendship that spans decades – both "exist" by enduring through time.

But "exist" goes beyond mere presence. It can describe properties and characteristics: someone "existing within a system of oppression" highlights their specific experience and its context. It can denote function and purpose: a heart "exists" by pumping blood, a society "exists" by interacting and evolving. At its simplest, "exist" can simply mean being alive: a plant existing on sunlight, an animal existing on instinct – both strive to maintain their fundamental state of being.

From philosophical musings on reality to the daily grind of survival, "exist" paints a vast canvas of being, doing, and simply "is-ness".

Excist vs. Exist: Which is the Correct Spelling?

The use of "excist" and "exist" over time

The Ngram graph below shows how often "excist" and "exist" have been used from the 1800s to the 2000s. "Exist" has seen relatively steady use despite some slight fluctuations, while its misspelling "excist" has always seen nearly zero use.

Excist vs. Exist: Which is the Correct Spelling?

How to pronounce "exist"

In both British and American English, "exist" is pronounced like "uhg·zist".

Additional notes:
This is just the standard pronunciation, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why would we misspell "exist" as "excist"?

1. Typo: "Excist" is essentially "exist" with an extra "c", which means someone could accidentally type the additional letter while writing. This is especially common when typing quickly or not focusing closely on the spelling.

2. Similar Word Patterns: People might erroneously draw an analogy with words that have a similar pattern, such as "excite" or "exclude." This false connection could lead them to misspell "exist" as "excist" by assuming a similar pattern in spelling.

Other common misspellings of "exist"

  1. Exsist
  2. Ecsist
  3. Exsit
  4. Existt
  5. Exzist

Example sentences of the misspelling of "exist" as "excist"

  1. It's essential to recognize that "excist" is not the correct spelling; the accurate term is "exist."
  2. When discussing the presence or being of something, avoid the misspelling "excist" and use the correct term, "exist."
  3. Using "excist" may lead to confusion; ensure you spell it correctly as "exist" in your communication.
  4. Correct your spelling to "exist" instead of "excist" to accurately convey the idea of something having objective reality.
  5. Don't compromise clarity by using the incorrect spelling "excist"; the right term is "exist."

Example sentences of "exist"

  1. Some people question whether extraterrestrial life could exist beyond our planet.
  2. The ancient civilization left behind artifacts that provide evidence of its once-thriving existence.
  3. The scientist dedicated their career to exploring the conditions under which life can exist in extreme environments.
  4. The philosopher pondered the nature of reality and what it means for something to truly exist.
  5. In literature, fantastical creatures often exist in imaginary worlds created by the author.
  6. The historical records confirm the existence of a prosperous city that thrived centuries ago.
  7. Many theories attempt to explain how the universe came to exist and the forces that govern its existence.
  8. It is challenging to prove or disprove the existence of parallel universes in theoretical physics.
  9. The biologist studies the conditions necessary for diverse ecosystems to exist and thrive.
  10. Despite the skeptics, evidence suggests that ghosts might exist in the realm of paranormal phenomena.
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Synonyms for "exist"

  1. Be
  2. Live
  3. Subsist
  4. Occur
  5. Dwell

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Excist vs. Exist: Which is the Correct Spelling?


Definition of EXIST
to have real being whether material or spiritual; to have being in a specified place or with respect to understood limitations or conditions; to continue to be… See the full definition
Excist vs. Exist: Which is the Correct Spelling?