Envy is a feeling of discontent and resentment caused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or advantages. It is a feeling of coveting what another person has and feeling resentful that one does not have it themselves.

When to use it

People use 'envy' when they feel a strong desire and longing for something someone else has, or they wish they were in the same position or had the same abilities as someone else. It is commonly used in social situations where people compare their lives, possessions, or abilities with others. Envy can range from mild jealousy to intense resentment or bitterness towards another person. It can be an unhealthy emotion if it leads to negative and destructive behavior towards oneself or others.

Example sentences

  1. She couldn't hide her envy when she saw her friend's new car.
  2. Don't let envy get in the way of your happiness.
  3. His envy towards his brother's success was evident.
  4. Envy is a negative emotion that can consume you if you let it.
  5. I don't envy her job, it seems very stressful.
  6. Envy can lead to unhealthy competition and resentment.
  7. The envy she felt towards her classmate's grades motivated her to work harder.
  8. It's important to recognize when envy is clouding your judgment.
  9. Envy can be a powerful motivator or a destructive force, depending on how you use it.
  10. Her envy towards her sister's relationship made it difficult for her to be happy for her.

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1. to wish that you had something that another person has: 2. the feeling that…
Envy - Wikipedia