• "Enought" is the incorrect spelling of "enough."
  • "Enough" refers to an adequate quantity, degree, or extent that satisfies a particular requirement or meets a specific standard. It signifies sufficiency or adequacy in relation to a given context or need.
❌ After a hearty meal, Sarah decided she had eaten enought and saved the remaining portion for lunch the next day.

✅ After a hearty meal, Sarah decided she had eaten enough and saved the remaining portion for lunch the next day.

In this sentence, "enough" means an adequate or sufficient quantity of food that satisfied Sarah, prompting her to stop eating and save the remaining portion for a later meal.


Etymology: Middle English inough, from Old English genōh


a. In a quantity or degree that satisfies a need or desire; sufficient.

  • There was enough food for everyone at the party.
  • I've studied enough for the exam; I don't need to cram any more.
  • She's old enough to know better than to tease her younger brother.

b. Adequate for a particular purpose or standard.

  • The bridge is enough to handle small cars, but not heavy trucks.
  • This paint is enough for one coat, but you'll need another for full coverage.
  • He's qualified enough for the job, but not the most experienced candidate.

c. To a moderate or tolerable degree.

  • He sings well enough for karaoke, but he won't be winning any talent shows.
  • The movie was entertaining enough, but not particularly memorable.
  • The room was clean enough, though it could have used a good dusting.


To a sufficient degree or extent; satisfactorily.

  • I didn't understand the instructions at first, but she explained them enough for me to get started.
  • He apologized enough that I decided to forgive him.
  • We haven't spoken in enough detail about the project yet.


An adequate or sufficient amount.

  • Is there enough time to finish this before the deadline?
  • I don't have enough money to buy all the groceries I need.
  • There's just enough space in the car for everyone and their luggage.


Used to express contentment or satisfaction with something.

  • That's enough of your questions for now.
  • Just tell me the truth, and I'll be happy enough.
  • We've discussed this enough; let's move on.
Enought vs. Enough: Which is the Correct Spelling?

Usage of enough vs. enought

Examining the graph below, we can see that "enough" and "enought" differ in terms of use. "Enough" is used more frequently, especially after the 1980s, when it experienced a steep increase in usage.

Enought vs. Enough: Which is the Correct Spelling?

How to pronounce enough

In American English, "enough" is pronounced eh·nuhf.

In British English, "enough" is pronounced uh·nuhf.

Additional notes:
This is just the standard pronunciation, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.
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Why does the misspelling of enough as enought occur?

  1. Phonetic Influence: The pronunciation of "enough" may sound like it ends with a "t" sound, especially in casual speech. This phonetic influence can lead individuals to add the "t" when spelling the word.
  2. Typographical Errors: When typing quickly or without careful proofreading, it's easy to inadvertently add or omit letters. In this case, someone may unintentionally type an extra "t" when intending to write "enough."

Other common misspellings of enough

  1. Enugh
  2. Enouugh
  3. Enogh
  4. Enoff

Example sentences for the misspelling of the word enough as enought

  1. In formal writing, it is crucial to avoid the common error of substituting "enought" for the correct and widely accepted spelling, "enough."
  2. Remember that "enought" is not a valid word in the English language; the correct term to express sufficiency is simply "enough."
  3. Autocorrect may not catch it, but be wary of mistakenly typing "enought" when you mean to convey the idea of an adequate quantity with the correct spelling, "enough."
  4. English learners often encounter challenges, and one common pitfall is the misspelling of "enought" instead of the standard and recognized term, "enough."
  5. Whether in academic essays or professional communication, using the incorrect spelling "enought" can undermine the credibility of your writing; always opt for the accurate term, "enough."

Example sentences of enough

  1. The chef added just enough salt to enhance the flavors of the dish without overpowering them.
  2. Despite the challenging circumstances, she displayed enough resilience to overcome the obstacles in her way.
  3. We have collected enough data to draw meaningful conclusions from our research.
  4. Can you please provide me with enough information to make an informed decision?
  5. The company implemented cost-saving measures to ensure there would be enough funds for future projects.

Synonyms of enough

  1. Cleaned
  2. Cleared
  3. Removed
  4. Brushed
  5. Wiped

Enought vs. Enough: Which is the Correct Spelling?

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Enought vs. Enough: Which is the Correct Spelling?


Definition of ENOUGH
occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet demands, needs, or expectations… See the full definition
Enought vs. Enough: Which is the Correct Spelling?