“Economic” means related to managing resources and systems, while “economical” means frugal and minimizing costs.

Example sentences


The country faced rapid economic development after the steam engine was invented.
The economic condition of Italy was getting worse.
The company stated there was no economic gain in providing free accessories.
Greece faced a long period of economic decline.
The government created jobs to encourage economic growth.
The pandemic severely affected the world’s economic situation.


It was an economical choice to start cooking at home more as opposed to eating out.
Buying the tools separately is surprisingly more economical than buying the set.
The new hose is convenient and economical as it saves more water.
Using artificial flowers instead of real ones is more economical, but most people still opt for real flowers.
He had an economical living style that helped him save more money than his peers.
We decided on buying a small, economical car instead of a truck.

Practice questions

  1. The government is trying to implement new policies that will aid the economic/economical situation of the country.
  2. I was trying to be economic/economical by unplugging all electronics every time I left the house.
  3. His father taught him how to be economic/economical and save a good portion of his salary every month.
  4. The economic/economical prosperity of the nation caused more citizens to start having more children.
  5. My older sister majored in economics/economical and sociology.
  6. There is actually no economic/economical advantage in implementing a trade sanction because trading is always more beneficial for both parties.
  7. Choosing the public school was an economic/economical choice because the private school’s tuition was ridiculously high.
  8. I bought a small economic/economical fridge instead of the luxury multi-function refrigerator.
  9. Buying the program was more economic/economical in the long run even though it was expensive at first.
  10. Quincy did everything he could to raise his economic/economical status in society because he had grown up poor.


  1. economic
  2. economical
  3. economical
  4. economic
  5. economics
  6. economic
  7. economical
  8. economical
  9. economical
  10. economicEconomic vs. economical
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