"Desperat" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling of the word is "desperate," not "desperat."

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"Desperate" is an adjective used to describe a strong feeling of hopelessness, urgency, or extreme need. When someone is desperate, it means they are in a difficult or dangerous situation and are willing to try anything to find a solution or relief. It often involves a sense of desperation or intense desire for something to happen or be achieved.

Here are some examples of how "desperate" can be used in sentences:

  1. "She was so desperate to find a job that she applied to every company in town." (Here, the person is feeling very hopeless about finding a job and is applying everywhere out of urgency.)
  2. "The villagers were desperate for food after the flood destroyed their crops." (In this case, the villagers are in a state of extreme need because their food supply has been ruined.)
  3. "He made a desperate attempt to save his failing business." (The person is trying everything they can, even though success seems unlikely, due to the urgent need to save the business.)

Example sentences

  1. The hikers were lost in the wilderness, and their desperate attempts to find their way back were in vain.
  2. After weeks of unemployment, John felt desperate for any job that could help him pay the bills.
  3. The starving animals in the drought-ridden region grew increasingly desperate for water and food.
  4. The refugees arrived at the border in a desperate search for safety and a better life.
  5. In a desperate move to win the game, the team's coach decided to send in their injured star player.
  6. Sarah was desperate to mend her broken relationship and sought counseling to reconcile with her partner.
  7. The desperate cries for help from the trapped survivors echoed through the collapsed building.
  8. Facing mounting debts, the businessman made a desperate plea to investors to save his company from bankruptcy.
  9. The detective took a desperate gamble by following a lead that others considered a dead end.
  10. When the ship started sinking, the crew's desperate efforts to launch lifeboats saved many lives.

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1. very serious or bad: 2. very great or extreme: 3. needing or wanting…
Definition of DESPERATE
having lost hope; giving no ground for hope; moved by despair or utter loss of hope… See the full definition