• "Debute" is the incorrect spelling of "debut."
  • A "debut" refers to the first public appearance or performance of someone, particularly in the context of entertainment, sports, or any other public activity.
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For example...

❌ The talented musician made her debute on the big stage, captivating the audience with a stunning performance that marked the beginning of her promising career in the music industry.

✅ The talented musician made her debut on the big stage, captivating the audience with a stunning performance that marked the beginning of her promising career in the music industry.

In the given sentence, "debut" refers to the first public performance or appearance of the talented musician on the big stage. This marks the initiation or introduction of the musician to the public audience and signifies the beginning of her career in the music industry.

Debut (noun)

  1. The first public appearance of a performer, product, or service:
  • a) A performer's first appearance on a professional stage or in a film, television show, or other public forum: She made her Broadway debut in the lead role of the musical.
  • b) The first appearance of a product or service on the market: The company debuted its new smartphone at the annual tech conference.

The beginning of a career or activity: The author's debut novel was a critical and commercial success.

An introductory or starting point: Their honeymoon cruise marked the official debut of their married life.

Debut (verb)

  1. To appear publicly for the first time: The young pianist will debut at Carnegie Hall next month.
  2. To introduce something new: The restaurant debuted its signature dish to rave reviews.
Debute or Debut: Which is Correct?

The word "debut" has a stark difference in use compared to its incorrect phrase "debute." The word "debut" experienced peak use around 2000s, but has since plummeted.

Debute or Debut: Which is Correct?
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How do we pronounce debut?

In American English, the word "debut" is pronounced as "day·byoo."

In British English, the word "debut" is pronounced as "deh·byoo."

Additional notes:
These are just the standard pronunciations, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why does the misspelling of debut as debute occur?

There are several reasons why someone might misspell "debut" as "debute":

1. Visual Similarity to Other Words: Words like "delude," "deluge," and "delude" end in "-ute," which can create a visual pattern that leads to overgeneralization. When writing quickly or without careful attention, the brain might automatically add an "-e" to "debut" due to this similarity.

2. Lack of Awareness: If someone has not encountered the word "debut" frequently or has only seen it misspelled previously, they might not be familiar with the correct spelling. This can lead to them repeating the error when writing it themselves.

3. Spell Checkers: While spell checkers often catch common misspellings, they might not always flag "debute" as incorrect. This is because "debute" is a valid word in French and Spanish, so spell checkers might not identify it as an error in English.

5. Learning Interference: If someone has learned or encountered the misspelling "debute" frequently, it can become ingrained in their memory, making it harder to remember the correct spelling. This can happen through exposure to misspelled text online, in informal writing, or even through repeated personal use of the misspelling.

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Other misspellings of debut

  1. debutte
  2. debute
  3. début (using the accented é, which is not standard in English but might be used in contexts where accents are permitted or required)
  4. debutt
  5. debu

Example sentences for the misuse of the word debut as debute

  1. The correct spelling of the word is "debut," not "debute," as the latter does not follow standard English conventions.
  2. Please note that there is no "e" at the end of "debut"; the correct spelling is crucial for clear communication.
  3. When writing about someone's first appearance or performance, it's essential to use the correct spelling, "debut," and avoid the incorrect form, "debute."
  4. If you come across the misspelling "debute," be aware that it is not the accepted spelling in English, and using "debut" is the accurate choice.
  5. Double-check your writing to ensure that you have used the correct spelling— "debut," without the additional "e" at the end, is the standard and correct form.

Example sentences of debut

  1. he young actress made her debut on Broadway, receiving rave reviews for her outstanding performance.
  2. The novel author's debut work captivated readers with its fresh perspective and engaging storytelling.
  3. After years of training, the talented pianist made her debut with a mesmerizing solo concert.
  4. The fashion designer's debut collection at the Paris Fashion Week garnered attention for its innovative designs.
  5. The rookie athlete's debut in the professional league was marked by an impressive display of skill and determination.
  6. The new software made its debut on the market, promising enhanced features and improved user experience.
  7. The startup company's debut product quickly gained popularity, attracting a wide customer base.
  8. The band's debut album soared to the top of the charts, establishing them as a rising force in the music industry.
  9. The chef's debut in the culinary world was celebrated with a grand opening of a restaurant that quickly became a local favorite.
  10. The scientist's groundbreaking research made its debut in a prestigious academic journal, sparking discussions in the scientific community.

Synonyms of debut


  • Music: Her debut album, "Starlight," quickly topped the charts and earned her critical acclaim.
  • Film: The highly anticipated superhero film will make its debut this summer, promising breathtaking action sequences and a compelling story.
  • Fashion: The rising designer unveiled her debut collection at Paris Fashion Week, dazzling the audience with her bold and innovative designs.
  • Politics: With a passionate speech advocating for environmental change, the young activist made a memorable debut on the national stage.
  • Sports: The rookie pitcher's dominant performance marked a sensational debut, leaving fans eager to see more.


  • The band will debut their new song at the upcoming music festival.
  • The restaurant debuted its signature dish to rave reviews, quickly becoming a local favorite.
  • The author plans to debut her novel next year, and literary critics are already buzzed about it.
  • The tech giant debuted its latest virtual reality headset, promising a revolutionary user experience.
  • The city council member debuted a proposal for green energy initiatives, sparking lively debate amongst citizens.


  • The sunrise debut of Mount Everest over the Himalayas took your breath away.
  • The autumn leaves painted the landscape in a stunning debut of vibrant colors.
  • Her smile debuted a dimple most had never seen, showcasing a new side of her personality.
  • The first snowfall of the season marked the debut of winter, blanketing the city in a serene silence.
  • The birth of a baby is a debut into the world, filled with endless possibilities and boundless love.

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Debute or Debut: Which is Correct?


Definition of DEBUT
a first appearance; a formal entrance into society… See the full definition
Debute or Debut: Which is Correct?