• "Confidance" is the incorrect spelling of "confidence."
  • "Confidence" is either the firm belief in oneself and one's abilities or the trust on someone or something.
For example...

❌ Her voice, once laced with timidity, now bloomed with confidance, filling the room with the power of her story.

✅ Her voice, once laced with timidity, now bloomed with confidence, filling the room with the power of her story.

The word "confidence" serves as a key element in depicting a powerful transformation. It showcases the transition from a hesitant, self-conscious voice to one imbued with strength and conviction.


Part of speech: Noun (uncountable or countable: confidences)

1. Psychological

  • Firm belief in oneself and one's abilities; a strong sense of self-assurance.
  • The conviction that one can handle situations effectively and achieve desired outcomes.
  • A feeling of self-worth and trust in one's own judgment and capabilities.

Example: She spoke with confidence, her voice ringing clear and her eyes steady.

2. Relational

  • Trust or reliance on someone or something; a sense of security and certainty.
  • The belief that someone or something is reliable, trustworthy, and capable.
  • A feeling of openness and vulnerability based on trust and shared understanding.

Example: He confided in his friend, knowing his secret would be safe.

3. Expression

  • Boldness or assertiveness in expressing oneself or taking action.
  • The absence of hesitation or self-doubt in communication and behavior.
  • A sense of poise and composure in the face of challenges or public scrutiny.

Example: She approached the CEO with confidence, presenting her proposal with passion and conviction.

4. (Metaphorical)

  • An internal compass or guiding force.
  • A source of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
  • The fuel that propels one towards goals and aspirations.

Example: He faced the storm with unflinching confidence, his inner strength guiding him through the darkness.

Confidance vs Confidence: Which is Correct?

Looking at this graph below, we can see that the word " confidence" was used to a greater degree than the incorrect spelling "confidance." The use of the word "confidence" peaked in the 1800s, and then decreased to consistent levels, starting from the 1900s.

Confidance vs Confidence: Which is Correct?
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How do you pronounce confidence?

In American English, "confidence" is pronounced kaan·fuh·dns.

In British English, "confidence" is pronounced kon·fuh·dns.

Additional notes:
These are just the standard pronunciations, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why does the misspelling of confidence as confidance occur?

1. Phonetic Similarity: The sounds of "da" and "de" are similar in some dialects, especially when spoken quickly. This can lead to confusion and the substitution of one for the other.

2. Lack of exposure: If someone isn't familiar with the correct spelling of "confidence," they may simply guess based on their limited knowledge of language rules or patterns.

3. Typos and autocorrect: In the digital age, typos are common, and autocorrect features can sometimes make mistakes, substituting "confidance" for "confidence" if the context isn't clear.

Enlist the help of an AI proofreader to review your written work for any misspellings.

Other common misspellings of confidence

Below are other common misspellings of "confidence," other than "confidance."

Simple typos and phonetic substitutions:

  • conifdence
  • confidense
  • confindence

Misinterpretation of pronunciation:

  • confidant
  • consistant
  • perserverence

Example sentences of the misspelling of confidence as confidance

Below are example sentences highlighting that “confidance” is not the right spelling.

  1. While "confidance" may sound similar, the correct spelling of the word is "confidence."
  2. The spelling "confidance" is incorrect. The proper way to write it is "confidence."
  3. Using "confidance" instead of "confidence" could undermine the professionalism of your writing.
  4. Hold on there, partner. Gotta swap that "confidance" with some good ol" "confidence."
  5. Confidance? Nah, my friend, it's "confidenc" with a "c".

Example sentences of confidence

  1. Her unwavering confidence in her research findings persuaded the skeptical committee.
  2. The CEO's confident tone calmed the anxieties of the investors.
  3. The lawyer's precise articulation and confident demeanor bolstered the jury's trust.
  4. She exuded confidence, her smile radiating self-assurance.
  5. He tackled the challenge with a swaggering confidence that was almost contagious.
  6. They huddled together, their whispers laced with nervous excitement and a flicker of newfound confidence.
  7. She walked into the room with a confident stride, her head held high and her eyes sparkling with determination.
  8. His confident smile, crinkling the corners of his eyes, spoke volumes about his unwavering belief in himself.
  9. The air crackled with anticipation, a tangible manifestation of the collective confidence emanating from the team.
  10. Her confidence, a beacon in the storm, guided her through the darkest of nights.

Synonyms for confidence

  1. Self-assurance: The most common synonym, conveying a firm belief in oneself and one's abilities.
  2. Certainty: Closely related to confidence, emphasizing a strong conviction without doubt or hesitation.
  3. Conviction: Similar to certainty, but with a stronger emphasis on personal belief and commitment.
  4. Poise: A more nuanced term for self-assuredness, implying composure and grace under pressure.
  5. Boldness: A synonym for confident expression, highlighting a willingness to take risks and speak one's mind.
  6. Trust: Shifting the focus to reliance, suggesting faith in someone or something's capabilities.
  7. Assurance: A more formal synonym for certainty, offering a guarantee or promise of success.
  8. Self-belief: Emphasizing the internal source of confidence, the trust one has in their own judgment and abilities.
  9. Courage: Connecting confidence to facing challenges, highlighting bravery and resilience in the face of fear.
  10. Mettle: A less common, yet powerful synonym, suggesting inner strength and fortitude under pressure.

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Confidance vs Confidence: Which is Correct?


Definition of CONFIDENCE
a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers or of reliance on one’s circumstances; faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way; the quality or state of being certain : certitude… See the full definition
Confidance vs Confidence: Which is Correct?