Compliance refers to following rules or laws, behaving in accordance with guidelines or regulations, and adhering to standards or expectations.

When to use it

People use 'compliance' when referring to the act of following rules, regulations, laws, or guidelines set by authoritative bodies or organizations. It is often used in the context of business, finance, and government where companies, organizations, and individuals need to adhere to legal and ethical standards to avoid penalties, lawsuits, or reputational damage. Compliance can also refer to the process of reviewing, monitoring, and reporting on regulatory requirements to ensure that all necessary standards are being met.

Example sentences

  1. The company's compliance policy is strict and clearly outlined.
  2. Non-compliance with safety regulations can result in serious consequences.
  3. The team worked to ensure full compliance with local laws and regulations.
  4. Compliance with industry standards is necessary for successful accreditation.
  5. A comprehensive compliance check is required before implementing new policies.
  6. The company takes measures to ensure compliance with ethical business practices.
  7. The manager enforced compliance with the dress code policy.
  8. Compliance training should be provided to all new employees.
  9. The compliance audit revealed several areas for improvement.
  10. Regular compliance reviews help to maintain a culture of transparency and accountability.

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1. the act of obeying a law or rule, especially one that controls a particular…
What is Compliance? Definition, basics & tips to get started
What is compliance and how does an organisation set up compliance management? Our guide answers these questions.