• "Comparision" is an incorrect spelling of "comparison."
  • "Comparison" is the act or process of examining the similarities and differences between two or more things. It involves assessing the features, characteristics, or qualities of each entity in order to highlight their similarities or contrasts.
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For example...

❌ In his research paper, the scientist drew a detailed comparision between the two experimental groups, highlighting the distinct patterns of behavior exhibited by each.

✅ In his research paper, the scientist drew a detailed comparison between the two experimental groups, highlighting the distinct patterns of behavior exhibited by each.

In the given sentence, the term "comparison" refers to the detailed examination and analysis conducted by the scientist. Specifically, the scientist is studying and contrasting the two experimental groups to identify and emphasize the differences or similarities in their patterns of behavior. 

"Comparison" is like looking at two or more things to see how they are similar or different. Imagine you have two toys, and you want to understand what makes each toy special. You might look at their colors, sizes, or features to compare them. So, when we talk about making a comparison, it's like saying, "Let's see how these things are alike and different to understand them better." It's a way of noticing and explaining what makes things unique or similar.

Comparision vs. Comparison: Which is Correct?

We can see that the correct spelling "comparison" is used in a greater amount than "comparision." In the graph below we can see that the "comparison" had a steady growth until the 1980, where it hits its peak, and then started to decline in use.

Comparision vs. Comparison: Which is Correct?
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How do we pronounce comparison?

In American English, "comparison" is pronounced kuhm·peh·ruh·sn.

In British English, "comparison" is pronounced kuhm·pa·ruh·sn.

Additional notes:
These are just the standard pronunciations, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why would we misspell comparison as comparision?

There are several potential reasons why someone might misspell "comparison" as "comparision":

1. Phonetic Similarity: The pronunciation of "comparison" can be tricky, with the emphasis sometimes falling on the second syllable ("com-PAR-i-son") instead of the first ("COM-par-i-son"). This might lead someone to mistakenly add an extra "i" after the "p" to reflect the perceived pronunciation.

2. Analogy: The suffix "-ision" appears in several other common English words, like "vision," "decision," and "collision." Someone might mistakenly assume that "comparison" follows the same pattern and add the "-ision" ending.

3. Visual Similarity: While not identical, "comparison" and "comparision" share some visual resemblance, especially the sequence "pari" in the middle. This can lead to confusion during quick typing or scanning, possibly prompting someone to accidentally add an extra "i."

4. Typos and Autocorrect: Simple typos or errors introduced by autocorrect features can also contribute to the misspelling. Fat-fingering keys or relying solely on autocorrection without proofreading can result in accidental insertions of extra letters.

5. Lack of Awareness: Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with the correct spelling of every word. Some people might simply not have encountered "comparison" enough to solidify its spelling in their memory, leading to occasional misspellings.

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Other common misspellings of comparison

Below are other common misspellings of "comparison," other than "comparision."

  1. Comparsion: This misspelling involves swapping the 'a' and 'r,' likely due to the phonetic similarity between the two letters.
  2. Comperison: A common error is substituting the 'a' with an 'e' in an attempt to spell the word phonetically.
  3. Compairson: Similar to "comparsion," this misspelling involves the interchange of 'a' and 'i.'
  4. Comparrison: A common error is doubling a letter unintentionally, as seen with the repetition of the 'r.'
  5. Comprison: This misspelling involves omitting one of the 'a' letters, making the word shorter than the correct form.
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Example sentences of the misspelling of comparison as comparision

Below are example sentences highlighting that “comparision” is an incorrect spelling.

  1. The correct spelling is "comparison," not "comparision," as the latter includes an extra 'i' that alters the word's proper form.
  2. Please note that "comparision" is an incorrect spelling; the accurate term is "comparison," with a single 'i' after the 'a.'
  3. Be cautious of the spelling "comparision," as it is not the accepted form. The correct spelling is "comparison" without the additional 'i.'
  4. When discussing the act of examining similarities and differences, it's essential to use the correct term, "comparison," and avoid the misspelling "comparision."
  5. The word you're looking for is "comparison," spelled with one 'i,' not "comparision," which includes an extra 'i' and is considered an error.

Example sentences of comparison

  1. The comparison between the two smartphones revealed significant differences in camera quality.
  2. In the scientific study, researchers conducted a detailed comparison of the effects of two different medications on patient recovery.
  3. Sarah made a thoughtful comparison of the pros and cons before deciding which college to attend.
  4. The teacher asked the students to write an essay that included a comparison of two historical figures from different eras.
  5. The car enthusiast eagerly awaited the magazine's comparison test of the latest sports cars in the market.
  6. The chef's unique recipe drew a favorable comparison to traditional dishes, surprising and delighting the restaurant patrons.
  7. The financial analyst presented a thorough comparison of the company's performance over the past two fiscal years.
  8. As part of the product review, the tech blogger highlighted a detailed comparison of the new laptop with its predecessor.
  9. The athlete made an interesting comparison between training methods, emphasizing the importance of consistency.
  10. The environmentalist drew a compelling comparison between the ecological impact of two manufacturing processes, advocating for sustainable practices.

Synonyms for comparison

  1. Contrast
  2. Analysis
  3. Examination
  4. Evaluation
  5. Distinction
  6. Parallel
  7. Relationship
  8. Similarity
  9. Correlation
  10. Analogous

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Definition of COMPARISON
the act or process of comparing: such as; the representing of one thing or person as similar to or like another; an examination of two or more items to establish similarities and dissimilarities… See the full definition
Comparision vs. Comparison: Which is Correct?