• "Colapse" is the incorrect spelling of "collapse."
  • "Collapse" signifies a sudden and complete breakdown, be it physical, mental, or systemic.
For example...

❌ The old bridge, its supports crumbling with age, finally colapsed into the rushing river below.

✅ The old bridge, its supports crumbling with age, finally collapsed into the rushing river below.

The word "collapsed" is used as an intransitive verb meaning to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely.


The word "collapse" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are the main ones:


  • To fall or cave in suddenly: This is the most common meaning of "collapse." It can be used for physical structures, such as buildings or bridges, or for abstract concepts, such as economies or governments.
    • The rickety bridge collapsed under the weight of the overloaded truck.
  • To break down or fail suddenly: This meaning is often used for systems, organizations, or relationships.
    • The power grid collapsed during the heatwave, causing widespread blackouts.
  • To lose strength or energy suddenly: This can be used for physical or mental health.
    • She collapsed onto the couch, drained after a long day of running errands.
  • To fold or close up: This meaning is often used for furniture or other objects.
    • The deck chair collapsed as he leaned back, sending him sprawling onto the grass.


  • The act of collapsing: This is the general term for the event of something collapsing.
    • The collapse of the building was a tragedy that took many lives.
  • A state of being collapsed: This can be used for physical structures or abstract concepts.
    • The abandoned city stood in a state of collapse, its crumbling buildings and overgrown streets a stark reminder of its once vibrant past.
  • A loss of strength or energy: This can be used for physical or mental health.
    • She suffered a sudden collapse from overwork and stress.
Colapse vs. Collapse: Which is Correct?

In the graph below, we can see a steady increase in the use of the word "collapse," while the use of the word "colapse" appears sparse compared to that of "collapse."

Colapse vs. Collapse: Which is Correct?

How do we pronounce collapse?

In American English, "collapse" is pronounced kuh·laps.

In British English, "collapse" is pronounced ku·laps

Additional notes:
These are just the standard pronunciations, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.
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Why does the misspelling of collapse as colapse occur?

The misspelling "colapse" for "collapse" occurs for several reasons. First, the pronunciation and visual appearance of "l" and "ll" are similar, making them easy to confuse, especially when spoken quickly or written in a hurry. Second, the misspelling is relatively common, creating a pattern that reinforces the incorrect spelling in people's minds. Third, some individuals may simply not be aware of the correct spelling due to limited exposure or learning difficulties. Finally, typos, autocorrect suggestions, and the influence of other languages where "l" replaces "ll" can further contribute to the error. While using the correct spelling is crucial in formal contexts, understanding and patience are essential when encountering "colapse," as multiple factors contribute to its use.

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Other misspellings of collapse

Below are other common misspellings of "collapse" other than "colapse."  

  • Collaps
  • Collpase
  • Colaps
  • Collpasing
  • Cllapse
  • Collapsse
  • Collape

Example sentences for the misuse of the word collapse as colapse

Below are example sentences highlighting that "collapse” is an incorrect spelling.

  1. Though it might seem intuitive, "colapse" is not the correct spelling of the word. The proper spelling is "collapse," with two "l"s.
  2. Don't be fooled by the similar pronunciation! "Colapse" is a misspelling of "collapse," and using the incorrect spelling can detract from your writing's clarity and professionalism.
  3. While "colapse" might pop up in spell check suggestions, remember that the true spelling for "to fall or cave in" remains "collapse."
  4. Avoid confusion and ensure your writing is accurate: use "collapse" with two "l"s, not "colapse."
  5. Let's commit to using the correct spelling of "collapse" and set the standard for clear and concise communication.

Example sentences for collapse

  1. The old building began to collapse after years of neglect and decay.
  2. The stock market witnessed a sudden collapse, causing widespread financial panic.
  3. Exhausted from the marathon, the runner felt her legs weaken and feared she might collapse at any moment.
  4. The negotiations between the two countries started to collapse as neither side could find common ground.
  5. The bridge collapsed under the weight of the overloaded truck, causing a traffic disaster.
  6. In the face of mounting debts, the company was forced to declare bankruptcy, leading to its eventual collapse.
  7. As the earthquake struck, buildings began to collapse, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
  8. The athlete experienced a heat stroke and collapsed during the intense summer training session.
  9. The ambitious project faced numerous setbacks, ultimately causing it to collapse before completion.
  10. The economy suffered a collapse as a result of the financial crisis, leading to widespread unemployment and hardship.

Synonyms for collapse

  • Crumple: To fall or fold in suddenly and completely.
  • Topple: To fall over suddenly and completely.
  • Cave in: To collapse inwards.
  • Implode: To collapse inwards due to external pressure.
  • Disintegrate: To break up into small pieces.
  • Fall apart: To come apart or break into pieces.
  • Give way: To collapse under pressure or weight.
  • Buckle: To bend or fold under pressure.
  • Shatter: To break into many small pieces.
  • Crumble: To break into small pieces that fall apart easily.
  • Break down: To suddenly lose control of one's emotions.

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Colapse vs. Collapse: Which is Correct?


Definition of COLLAPSE
to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely : fall into a jumbled or flattened mass through the force of external pressure; to break down completely : disintegrate; to cave or fall in or give way… See the full definition
Colapse vs. Collapse: Which is Correct?