• "Catagory" is the incorrect spelling of "category."
  • A "category" is a classification or grouping of things based on shared characteristics, features, or attributes.
  • "Catagories" is the incorrect spelling of "categories."
  • "Categories" is the plural form of "category."
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For example...

❌ In the online store, the products are neatly arranged into specific catagories, making it convenient for shoppers to navigate and find items related to their preferences.

✅ In the online store, the products are neatly arranged into specific categories, making it convenient for shoppers to navigate and find items related to their preferences.

In the sentence "In the online store, the products are neatly arranged into specific categories," the term "category" is used to describe the systematic organization of products based on shared characteristics or features. The products are grouped together into distinct classes or sets, such as "electronics," "clothing," or "home goods," creating a structured and easily navigable arrangement for shoppers.


"Category" is a noun that refers to a group or class of things that share common characteristics, features, or qualities. It's a way of organizing and grouping items based on similarities.

For example, animals can be categorized into groups like mammals, reptiles, and birds. So, "category" is a term used to describe the classification or grouping of things based on their shared attributes.

Catagory vs. Category vs. Catagories vs. Categories: Which is Correct?

In the graph below, we can see that the correct spelling of "categories" and "category" are used in greater amounts than "catagory" and "catagories." The use of "categories" and "category" increased until the 1980s. After this period, the use of the two words started to decrease.

Catagory vs. Category vs. Catagories vs. Categories: Which is Correct?
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How do we pronounce category and categories?


In American English, category is pronounced ka·tuh·gaw·ree.

In British English, category is pronounced ka·tuh·guh·ree.


In American English, categories is pronounced ka·tuh·gaw·reez.

In British English, categories is pronounced ka·tuh·guh·reez.

Additional notes:
These are just the standard pronunciations, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why is the word "category" and "categories" misspelled as "catagory" and "catagories"?

The words "catagory" and "catagories" are indeed misspellings of "category" and "categories." There are a few possible reasons why someone might make this mistake:

  • Mispronunciation: The pronunciation of "category" can be tricky, with the emphasis sometimes falling on the second syllable ("cat-uh-gory") instead of the first ("cat-a-gory"). This can lead to confusion when spelling the word, as people may try to represent the pronunciation they're familiar with.
  • Typos: It's also simply possible that the misspelling is due to a typo, especially if someone is typing quickly or without careful proofreading.

Don't forget to use an AI proofreader to review your work to prevent misspellings such as "catagory" and "catagories."

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Other common misspellings of category and categories

Misspellings of category

  1. Catagery
  2. Categry
  3. Catigory
  4. Categary
  5. Catagoty

Misspellings of categories

  1. Catageries
  2. Categores
  3. Cateogories
  4. Catogories
  5. Catigories

Example sentences of the misspellings of category and category

Below are example sentences highlighting that “catagory” is an incorrect spelling.

  1. The online form prompts you to select the appropriate product "category," and "catagory" is not a valid option.
  2. When organizing your blog posts, ensure that each article is assigned to the correct "category," avoiding the misspelling "catagory."
  3. The competition guidelines specify that entries must fall within the designated "categories," and "catagory" entries will be disqualified.
  4. The library catalog employs a systematic arrangement by "category," and there is no section labeled "catagory."
  5. Please review your essay before submission to make sure the term "category" is spelled accurately, without the error "catagory."

Below are example sentences highlighting that “catagories” is an incorrect spelling.

  1. The correct spelling of the term is "categories," not "catagories."
  2. Please note that "catagories" is a misspelling; the accurate spelling is "categories."
  3. If you encounter the term "catagories," it's an error; the proper spelling is "categories."
  4. There appears to be a typo; the word should be spelled as "categories," not "catagories."
  5. Just to clarify, the correct way to spell it is "categories," not with an 'a' as in "catagories."
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Example sentences of category and categories


  1. The books in the library are neatly arranged into different categories, making it easy for readers to find what they're looking for.
  2. In online shopping, products are often grouped by category, allowing users to browse items more efficiently.
  3. The scientist classified the newly discovered species into a distinct category within the animal kingdom.
  4. In the filing system, documents are organized by category to streamline the retrieval process.
  5. Each contestant in the photography competition submitted their entry into the appropriate category, such as landscapes or portraits.


  1. In the supermarket, products are organized into categories such as dairy, produce, and canned goods.
  2. The award ceremony recognized excellence in various categories, including innovation, leadership, and community service.
  3. Library books are typically arranged into different categories based on genres, making it easier for readers to find their preferred literature.
  4. Online retailers often have a wide range of product categories, allowing customers to browse and shop conveniently.
  5. The film festival featured entries in diverse categories, including documentaries, short films, and animated features.


Synonyms for category

  1. Class
  2. Group
  3. Division
  4. Section
  5. Classification

Synonyms for categories (plural of category)

  1. Classes
  2. Groups
  3. Divisions
  4. Sections
  5. Classifications

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Catagory vs. Category vs. Catagories vs. Categories: Which is Correct?


Definition of CATEGORY
any of several fundamental and distinct classes to which entities or concepts belong; a division within a system of classification… See the full definition
Catagory vs. Category vs. Catagories vs. Categories: Which is Correct?