Buses and busses refer to multiple vehicles used for public transportation. However, their spellings and usage differ based on grammatical conventions and language evolution.

The words busses and buses are examples of a singular noun being transformed into its plural form, but with a distinct variation that results from the application of different grammatical rules.

Is buses more common or busses?

Buses is the more commonly recognized and accepted plural form of the word "bus." When discussing more than one vehicle intended for public transportation, this is the preferred term.

Example sentences

  • The city's fleet of buses provides an efficient means of commuting.

Busses, on the other hand, represents an older, archaic form of plural; this spelling is from an earlier era of English. In times past, busses was commonly used to denote more than one bus. However, as the English language evolved, buses became the more favored form while busses became less prevalent. For clarity and consistency, the use of buses is generally recommended.

The similarity between buses and busses lies in their shared meaning – multiple vehicles designed to transport passengers. Regardless of which form is used, the core concept remains intact.

More example sentences

  1. The city's new fleet of electric buses aims to reduce carbon emissions.
  2. The school district purchased ten new buses for the upcoming academic year.
  3. During rush hour, the buses are often crowded with commuters.
  4. The transportation company invested in modernizing its buses for improved passenger comfort.
  5. The tour guide pointed out the historic double-decker buses as they drove by.
  6. In the early 20th century, horse-drawn busses were a common sight in many cities.
  7. The vintage busses showcased at the museum offer a glimpse into transportation history.
  8. The old photograph displayed a row of open-air busses waiting for passengers.
  9. During the parade, children excitedly waved at the colorful busses passing by.
  10. The festival organizers arranged for shuttle busses to transport attendees from parking lots to the event site.

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Is The Plural Of Bus Spelled “Buses” Or “Busses”? | Dictionary.com
Whether you should use “buses” or “busses” depends a lot on how you are using the word “bus.” Get on board as we explain what the plural of “bus” is.