• "Bulet" is a misspelling of "bullet."
  • A "bullet" is a projectile expelled from a firearm, consisting of a metal, elongated shape designed to be fired through a barrel, propelled by gunpowder or other propellants.
Example sentences...

🔫 The detective carefully examined the crime scene, paying close attention to the bullet holes in the wall.

🔫 As the target moved swiftly, the skilled marksman aimed and fired a single, precise bullet.

What does "bullet" mean?

"Bullet" has a few different meanings, depending on the context:

  • The most common meaning is a small metal projectile fired from a gun. Bullets are typically made of lead or another metal alloy and have a pointed or rounded tip.
  • In typography, a bullet is a symbol (like this •) used to introduce items in a list. This is also sometimes called a bullet point.
  • Less commonly, "bullet" can also refer to the entire cartridge that holds the bullet and propellant.
Bulet vs. Bullet: Which is the Correct Spelling? 

The use of "bulet" and "bullet" over time

Examining the graph below, we can see that there is a difference in usage between "bulet" and "bullet." The correct spelling "bullet" is used more frequently than the incorrect spelling "bulet."

Bulet vs. Bullet: Which is the Correct Spelling? 

How to pronounce "bullet"

In British English, "bullet" is pronounced as "bu·luht"

In American English, "bullet" is pronounced as "bu·luht."

Additional notes:
This is just the standard pronunciation, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why would we misspell "bullet" as "bulet"?

  1. Typographical errors: Sometimes, people may make mistakes while typing, especially if they are typing quickly or not paying close attention. In this case, the misspelling could be a simple error.
  2. Phonetic spelling: Some individuals may spell words based on how they sound rather than adhering strictly to correct spelling. In this instance, "bulet" might be an attempt to phonetically represent the pronunciation of "bullet."

Other common misspellings of "bullet"

  • bullett
  • bulit

Example sentences of the misspelling of "bullet" as "bulet"

  1. In the article about firearms, the author repeatedly used the misspelled term "bulet" instead of "bullet."
  2. The student's essay on ballistics contained multiple instances of the misspelling "bulet" throughout the document.
  3. The editor flagged and corrected the misspelling of "bulet" to maintain the accuracy of the ammunition-related article.
  4. During the interview, the firearms expert gently corrected the journalist when they mistakenly referred to ammunition as "bulets" instead of bullets.
  5. The online forum members quickly pointed out the spelling error when a user asked about the effectiveness of different "bulets" in shooting sports.

Example sentences of "bullet"

  1. The detective found a bullet lodged in the wall, a crucial piece of evidence from the crime scene.
  2. The ballistic expert carefully analyzed the markings on the bullet to identify the type of firearm used.
  3. The soldier loaded the magazine with ammunition, ensuring each bullet was seated securely.
  4. The forensic team recovered a bullet casing near the victim's car, helping to piece together the sequence of events.
  5. The hunter aimed carefully and fired, sending a bullet whizzing through the air to its target.

Synonyms for "bullet"

  1. Projectile
  2. Ammunition
  3. Round
  4. Slug
  5. Cartridge
  6. Shell
  7. Pellet
  8. Shot
  9. Missile

Bulet vs. Bullet: Which is the Correct Spelling? 

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Bulet vs. Bullet: Which is the Correct Spelling?


Definition of BULLET
a round or elongated missile (as of lead) to be fired from a firearm; broadly : cartridge; something resembling a bullet (as in curved form); a large dot placed in printed matter to call attention to a particular passage… See the full definition