"Bipartisanship" refers to the practice of cooperation and collaboration between two major political parties in a country or legislative body. In many countries, the political landscape is often divided into two main parties with differing ideologies and policy priorities. These parties may have opposing views on various issues, making it challenging to pass legislation or make decisions.

When there is "bipartisanship," it means that members of both political parties are working together to find common ground and reach agreements. Instead of focusing solely on their individual party interests, they are trying to bridge their differences and work towards solutions that benefit the broader population. This can involve compromising and negotiating to find middle ground on important matters.

Bipartisanship is considered beneficial because it promotes unity and progress in the government. By setting aside partisan interests and collaborating across party lines, lawmakers can address critical issues and make decisions that represent a broader consensus of the population.

Example sentences

  1. The president called for bipartisanship in Congress, urging both parties to work together for the greater good of the nation.
  2. The proposed healthcare reform received bipartisan support, with members from both parties agreeing on the need for accessible and affordable healthcare.
  3. Despite their ideological differences, the two senators demonstrated bipartisanship by collaborating on a bill to improve environmental protections.
  4. The successful passage of the education reform bill was a result of bipartisan efforts, reflecting a consensus on the importance of investing in the future generation.
  5. The bipartisan committee was formed to address the issue of climate change and develop policies that would benefit the environment and the economy.
  6. In times of crisis, the nation expects its leaders to demonstrate bipartisanship and come together to find solutions that transcend political divisions.
  7. The bipartisan task force conducted hearings and public consultations to gather input from citizens on the proposed tax reforms.
  8. Despite the contentious nature of the issue, the two parties engaged in constructive debates and reached a bipartisan compromise on immigration reform.
  9. The president emphasized the need for bipartisanship during his inaugural address, urging unity and collaboration for a stronger and more resilient nation.
  10. The lack of bipartisanship in the legislature has resulted in gridlock, hindering progress on critical issues and leaving important bills unpassed.

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1. the fact of two political parties that usually oppose each other agreeing or…
Bipartisanship - Wikipedia