• "Believeable" is an incorrect spelling of the word "believable."
  • "Believable" is an adjective that describes something credible, convincing, or capable of being believed or accepted as true.
For example...

❌​​ The plot twist in the novel was so well-crafted that it made the fictional events seem entirely believeable to the readers.

✅ The plot twist in the novel was so well-crafted that it made the fictional events seem entirely believable to the readers.

Here, "believable" indicates that the plot twist was crafted in a manner that made it convincing and easy for the readers to accept as true within the context of the fictional narrative.

What does "believable" mean?

Within the realm of communication and information processing, "believable" denotes the quality of being persuasive enough to be accepted as true or accurate. It signifies the extent to which an idea, statement, or narrative evokes trust and conviction in the recipient.

Formal Usage:

The concept of "believable" finds relevance in various domains, including:

  • Law: Legal proceedings hinge on establishing the believability of witness testimonies and presented evidence.
  • Journalism and Media: The credibility of news reporting and information dissemination rests on presenting believable and verifiable information.
  • Academics and Research: Scientific research relies on rigorous methodologies and verifiable data to ensure the believability of findings and conclusions.
  • Communication and Public Relations: Effective communication strategies strive to craft believable messages that resonate with target audiences.
Believeable vs. Believable: Which is the Correct Spelling?

The use of "believeable" and "believable" over time

The Ngram graph below shows how often "believeable" and "believable" have been used from the 1800s to the 2000s. "Believable" has increased steadily in use until peaking in the 2000s, while its misspelling "believeable" has seen nearly zero use.

Believeable vs. Believable: Which is the Correct Spelling?

How to pronounce "believable"

In both British and American English, "believable" is pronounced like "buh·lee·vuh·bl".

Additional notes:
This is just the standard pronunciation, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why would we misspell "believable" as "believeable"?

  1. Homophonic confusion: The pronunciation of "believable" and "believeable" is almost identical, and someone may mistakenly think that both spellings are acceptable.
  2. Rule-based confusion: People might apply a rule where adding the suffix "-able" requires leaving the original word completely intact. This could lead to the incorrect spelling "believeable."

Other common misspellings of "believable"

  1. Belieavable
  2. Beliveable
  3. Beleivable
  4. Believible
  5. Beleavable

Example sentences of the misspelling of "believable" as "believeable"

  1. "Believeable" is not an accepted spelling; the correct form is "believable."
  2. Using "believeable" may be perceived as a typographical error; the standard spelling is "believable."
  3. Be cautious not to use "believeable"; the proper term is "believable."
  4. Incorrectly spelling it as "believeable" might lead to misunderstandings; the correct spelling is "believable."
  5. When writing, always remember that "believable" is the correct way to spell this word, not "believeable."

Example sentences of "believable"

  1. The actor's performance was so compelling that it made the character's actions entirely believable.
  2. A well-crafted story with believable characters can captivate the reader's imagination.
  3. The scientific explanation provided was clear and entirely believable to the audience.
  4. In a good mystery novel, the plot twists should be unexpected yet still believable.
  5. The excuse she gave for being late was hardly believable; it sounded like a fabricated story.
  6. A good liar knows how to make their lies sound believable to avoid suspicion.
  7. The special effects in the movie were so realistic that they made the fantasy world completely believable.
  8. A well-documented case study adds credibility to the research findings, making them more believable.
  9. The historical novel was meticulously researched, making the events and characters feel entirely believable.
  10. The witness's testimony was inconsistent and not believable under cross-examination.
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Synonyms for "believable"

  1. Credible
  2. Convincing
  3. Plausible
  4. Persuasive
  5. Trustworthy

Believeable vs. Believable: Which is the Correct Spelling?

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Believeable vs. Believable: Which is the Correct Spelling?


Definition of BELIEVABLE
capable of being believed especially as within the range of known possibility or probability… See the full definition
Believeable vs. Believable: Which is the Correct Spelling?