• "Appart" is the incorrect spelling of "apart."
  • "Apart" means separated, physically, conceptually, or emotionally.
For example...
❌ The two friends stood appart, their laughter fading as they realized it was time to say goodbye.

✅ The two friends stood apart, their laughter fading as they realized it was time to say goodbye.

"Apart" in this sentence signifies both the physical and emotional distance between the two friends, emphasizing the bittersweetness of their farewell.
Appart vs. Apart: Which is Correct? 

The word "apart" has several meanings depending on its context and usage. Here are some of the most common definitions:

1. Separated:

  • Being physically or conceptually distinct from one another.
  • Example: They stood apart from the crowd, watching the event unfold.

2. Into pieces or parts:

  • Divided or broken down into smaller units.
  • Example: The car fell apart due to lack of maintenance.

3. Not together or associated:

  • Existing or happening separately.
  • Example: They live apart, even though they are still married.

4. Aside from or besides:

  • Excluding or not including something else.
  • Example: Apart from the weather, I had a wonderful time on vacation.

5. Used to emphasize the difference between two things:

  • Highlighting the contrast or disparity between them.
  • Example: Though they look similar, the two paintings are worlds apart in terms of quality.

6. Used to indicate a distance or time interval:

  • Separated by a certain amount of space or duration.
  • Example: The towns are miles apart.

7. Used to express separation from one's feelings or emotions:

  • Unable to connect or engage fully with something.
  • Example: She felt apart from everyone after her loss.

Here are some additional points to note:

  • "Apart" is an adverb and can be used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
  • It can also be used as a preposition, followed by a noun or pronoun.
  • The opposite of "apart" is "together" or "togetherness."

In the graph below, you can see the differences in the use of "apart" and "appart." "Apart" is used more frequently than its incorrect spelling "appart." The use of "apart" hit its peak around 1920s, and decreased, but in the 2000s, its use had a short, steep increase.

Appart vs. Apart: Which is Correct? 
Check out our other related blogposts:

🖊️ All together vs. Altogether
🖊️ Seperate or Separate

How to pronounce apart?

In American English, "apart" is pronounced uh·paart.

In British English, "apart" is pronounced uh·paat.

Additional notes:
These are just the standard pronunciations, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why does the misspelling of apart as appart occur?

The misspelling of "apart" as "appart" occurs for several reasons:

1. Visual similarity: The two words look very similar, especially when written quickly or handwritten. The extra "p" in "appart" can easily be overlooked or added accidentally.

2. Typographical errors: In the age of digital communication, typos are increasingly common. A simple keyboard slip can easily result in the incorrect addition of an "p" to "apart."

If you want to prevent any grammar or spelling errors, you can enlist the help of an AI proofreader.

Other misspellings of apart

Besides "appart", here are some other common misspellings of the word "apart":

  1. Apert
  2. Aparte
  3. Aparat
  4. Appartment
  5. Aaprt
  6. Aapart

Example sentences of the misspelling of apart

Below are example sentences highlighting that "appart" is an incorrect spelling.

  1. "Appart" might look similar, but the correct spelling is "apart."
  2. Don't fall for the "p" trap, remember it's "apart," not "appart."
  3. "Apart" stands alone, no extra "p" needed, keep it neat and clean.
  4. Accuracy matters, spell it "apart," and leave "appart" behind in the dark.
  5. Avoid confusion, "apart" is the way to go, let "appart" no longer flow.
  6. Remember, "apart" means separate, with "p" it's spelled correctly, never hesitate.
  7. Writing clearly is the key, spell "apart" and be free, from the "p" error, set yourself free.
  8. Let your words shine, use "apart" and leave "appart" behind, make the right choice.
  9. Don't let a simple mistake mislead, "apart" is the word you need, let it succeed.
  10. Write with confidence, "apart" is the answer, spell it right, and make it last.

Example sentences of apart

Sentences using "apart" as an adverb:

  1. They sat apart on the bench, lost in their own thoughts.
  2. We were always close friends, but we grew apart as we got older.
  3. The children tore the paper apart in their excitement.
  4. The two armies fought apart for hours, neither side gaining the upper hand.
  5. She looked apart from the others, dressed in her bright red dress.

Sentences using "apart" as a preposition:

  1. He stood apart from the crowd, watching the event unfold.
  2. There is a world of difference apart from their two personalities.
  3. He kept his feelings apart from the matter at hand.
  4. I need some time apart from everyone to think things through.
  5. Please put the books apart from the magazines.

Sentences using "apart" in other ways:

  1. The vase fell to the ground and broke apart.
  2. They took the cake apart and shared it with their friends.
  3. He felt torn apart by his conflicting emotions.
  4. They were inseparable, always together, never apart.
  5. They lived miles apart, but they still managed to stay close.

Synonyms for apart

  • Asunder
  • Segregated
  • Divided
  • Separated
  • Disjoined
  • Detached
  • Scattered
  • Dispersed
  • Disconnected

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Definition of APART
at a little distance; away from one another in space or time; as a separate unit : independently… See the full definition