• "Adicted" is an incorrect spelling of the word "addicted."
  • "Addicted" is an adjective that describes a strong and compulsive dependence on a particular substance or activity, indicating a habitual and often harmful behavior.
For example...

❌​​ She became adicted to online gaming, spending hours each day immersed in virtual worlds.

✅ She became addicted to online gaming, spending hours each day immersed in virtual worlds.

In this sentence, "addicted" means being strongly and compulsively dependent on online gaming, leading to excessive and harmful involvement.

What does "addicted" mean?

The term "addicted" denotes a complex and multifaceted state of dependence on a specific substance, activity, or experience. This dependence manifests in both compulsive behaviors aimed at obtaining the subject of addiction and negative consequences arising from such behaviors in various domains of life.

Key Characteristics:

  • Compulsive Behaviors: Individuals with addictions exhibit a pathological pattern of seeking and engaging with the addictive substance or activity. This behavior transcends mere enjoyment or recreation, often characterized by an inability to control the frequency or intensity of engagement.
  • Negative Consequences: Addiction disrupts various aspects of an individual's life, leading to negative consequences in personal, professional, social, and even physical spheres. Examples include strained relationships, financial difficulties, academic decline, and health problems.
  • Neurobiological Basis: Research suggests that addiction involves neurobiological alterations within the brain's reward system. These alterations lead to heightened cravings, reduced sensitivity to the pleasurable effects of the addictive substance or activity, and increased difficulty in controlling behavior.
  • Formal Classifications: Within medical and scientific fields, specific diagnostic criteria define various types of addictions, including substance use disorders, behavioral addictions (e.g., gambling addiction), and internet addiction.
Adicted vs. Addicted: Which is the Correct Spelling?

The use of "adicted" and "addicted" over time

The Ngram graph below shows how often "adicted" and "addicted" have been used from the 1800s to the 2000s. "Addicted" has seen steady use until dipping in the 1940s and increasing again, while its misspelling "adicted" has seen nearly zero use.

Adicted vs. Addicted: Which is the Correct Spelling?

How to pronounce "addicted"

In both British and American English, "addicted" is pronounced like "uh·dik·tuhd".

Additional notes:
This is just the standard pronunciation, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why would we misspell "addicted" as "adicted"?

  1. Phonetic confusion: The pronunciation of "addicted" and "adicted" is quite similar, and someone might misspell it based on how they perceive the sounds.
  2. Common prefixes: People might mistakenly assume that "addicted" follows the same pattern as some words with the prefix "ad-" and omit the second "d" in an attempt to conform to that pattern.

Other common misspellings of "addicted"

  1. Addictid
  2. Adicted
  3. Addictted
  4. Addiced
  5. Addikted

Example sentences of the misspelling of "addicted" as "adicted"

  1. "Adicted" is a common misspelling of the word "addicted."
  2. Please be cautious not to use the incorrect spelling "adicted" when referring to someone's dependency.
  3. The proper term for a strong dependence is "addicted," not "adicted."
  4. Using the incorrect form "adicted" might lead to confusion regarding the intended meaning.
  5. Remember that the right way to spell it is "addicted," and not the commonly mistaken "adicted."

Example sentences of "addicted"

  1. His sister is addicted to caffeine and can't start her day without a cup of coffee.
  2. The musician became addicted to the thrill of performing on stage.
  3. Jenny found herself addicted to the fascinating world of mystery novels.
  4. Jake realized he was addicted to his smartphone when he couldn't go an hour without checking it.
  5. Over time, Mark became addicted to the adrenaline rush of extreme sports.
  6. The therapist helped him overcome his addiction by addressing the underlying issues.
  7. The young artist was addicted to expressing her emotions through her paintings.
  8. Despite knowing the health risks, he remained addicted to smoking for many years.
  9. The support group was formed to help individuals overcome their addiction to social media.
  10. Breaking the cycle of addiction often requires both mental and emotional support.
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Synonyms for "addicted"

  1. Dependent
  2. Hooked
  3. Obsessed
  4. Devoted
  5. Enslaved

Adicted vs. Addicted: Which is the Correct Spelling?

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Adicted vs. Addicted: Which is the Correct Spelling?


Definition of ADDICTED
having an addiction:; exhibiting a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity; strongly inclined to do, use, or indulge in something repeatedly… See the full definition
Adicted vs. Addicted: Which is the Correct Spelling?