An aberration is a departure from what is considered normal, typical, or expected. It refers to a deviation or anomaly from a standard or a commonly accepted course of action, behavior, or condition. Aberrations can occur in various contexts, including science, optics, behavior, and nature. Here are a few examples to illustrate the term:

  • In astronomy, an aberration of light refers to the apparent displacement of a star's position due to the motion of the Earth and the finite speed of light.
  • A moral aberration might describe behavior that goes against commonly held ethical principles.
  • In optics, chromatic aberration occurs when different colors of light do not converge at the same focal point, resulting in a blurring or color distortion in images.
  • A political leader's sudden change in policy could be seen as an aberration from their usual stance.
  • The unusually warm winter this year is considered an aberration from the region's typical climate.

Example sentences

  1. The sudden spike in temperature in the middle of winter was seen as a weather aberration.
  2. Her act of kindness in such a cutthroat environment was considered an aberration.
  3. The malfunctioning machine produced an aberration in the final product's quality.
  4. The scientist couldn't explain the aberration in the experimental results, as it contradicted established theories.
  5. The stock market crash was viewed as an aberration in an otherwise stable economy.
  6. His dishonesty during the project was an aberration from his usual ethical behavior.
  7. The athlete's poor performance that day was an aberration in an otherwise stellar career.
  8. The wildlife photographer captured a rare aberration in the animal's behavior on camera.
  9. In the realm of art, his abstract painting was considered an aberration compared to his previous realistic works.
  10. The sudden outbreak of disease in the region was an aberration, as health officials had not seen such a rapid spread in years.

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Definition of ABERRATION
the fact or an instance of deviating or being aberrant especially from a moral standard or normal state; something or someone regarded as atypical and therefore able to be ignored or discounted… See the full definition
1. a temporary change from the typical or usual way of behaving: 2. a…