The words pricey and pricy are synonymous terms used to describe items, experiences, or services that are expensive or come with a high cost.

These words are typically used informally and interchangeably in everyday language to convey the notion of something being financially demanding.

Define pricey and pricy

Pricy and pricey are synonymous terms that describe something as expensive or costing a significant amount of money compared to what is considered typical or affordable. They are informal words used in everyday language to convey the idea of a high cost.

Example scenario

  1. Consider a luxury watch brand known for its high-quality timepieces. You could say, "Their watches are quite pricey, but they are crafted with precision and are highly sought after by collectors." In this context, pricey emphasizes the significant cost of the watches relative to other brands.
  2. Consider a top-tier spa offering exclusive treatments. You might remark, "A day at that spa can be a bit pricy, but the relaxation and rejuvenation it provides are unparalleled." Here, pricy conveys the same message: the spa's services are costly compared to standard alternatives.

Differences in regional use

The difference between "pricey" and "pricy" is primarily a matter of regional preference and spelling variation. In American English, "pricey" (with an "e") is more commonly used, while in British English, "pricy" (with an "i") is occasionally preferred. However, both terms communicate the same idea—something comes at a high cost or is relatively expensive. So, whether you choose "pricey" or "pricy," you'll effectively convey the notion of expense in your communication.

More example sentences

  1. Buying a luxury sports car is always a pricy/pricey investment.
  2. The restaurant's pricy/pricey tasting menu features a variety of gourmet dishes.
  3. Her collection of pricy/pricey jewelry includes rare gemstones and exquisite craftsmanship.
  4. Renovating the historic mansion turned out to be a more pricy/pricey project than expected.
  5. The hotel's suite with a private pool comes with a particularly pricy/pricey nightly rate.
  6. Keeping up with the latest fashion trends can be quite pricy/pricey.
  7. The art auction featured some of the world's most pricy/pricey and sought-after paintings.
  8. Taking a private jet to the exclusive island resort is undeniably pricy/pricey, but it offers unmatched luxury and convenience.
  9. Owning and maintaining a yacht can be a pricy/pricey endeavor.
  10. The wine list at the upscale restaurant includes pricy/pricey bottles from renowned vineyards around the world.

Common idioms/phrases

These idiomatic expressions often convey the idea of high cost or expense, which is associated with "pricey" or "pricy" items or experiences.

  1. Pay a pretty penny: This idiom means to pay a high price for something, suggesting that the cost is substantial or expensive.
  2. Cost an arm and a leg: This expression is used to emphasize that something is extremely expensive, often to the point of being unaffordable.
  3. Break the bank: While not using "pricey" directly, this phrase means that something is so expensive that it could deplete one's savings or financial resources.
  4. High-end: This term is often used to describe products or services that are of high quality and come with a high price tag, making them "pricey."
  5. Top dollar: This phrase indicates that something is being sold or bought for the highest possible price, emphasizing its expensiveness.
  6. Dime a dozen: Although not using "pricey," this idiom refers to something that is very common and easy to find, usually at a low cost, in contrast to something rare and expensive.
  7. Out of someone's league: This expression means that something is too expensive or of too high a quality for someone to afford or be a part of.
  8. Not for the faint of heart: While not specifically about price, this phrase suggests that something is difficult, challenging, or expensive, requiring a strong commitment.

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Pricy or Pricey - Which Is Correct?
Pricy vs Pricey: Read on to learn the difference between these two common confused words! Plus, some extra spelling & grammar tips included!